Neighborhoods & Subdivisions
around Clarksville
Clarksville TN has hundreds of neighborhoods but here are a few of my favorites. These aren’t the cheapest or the most expensive neighborhoods in town but they are a good representation of what is currently available. I will be updating this page with more subdivisions and information as time permits.
Call me and let’s get you MOVIN’.
Clarksville neighborhoods
Most of these are newer neighborhoods with construction still going on. I will be adding older subdivisions in the future.
There are lots of advantages to living in a subdivision and there are some downsides as well. But most people will agree that the benefits out weight the cons. We can sit down and discuss the pro and cons of subdivision living and see if it’s right for you and your family. I recommend visiting the neighborhoods that you are interested in several times and during different times of the day so you can get a better feel for the area before making a choice.
Make sure to check out Hereford Farms Clarksville TN, the area’s newest neighborhood.
Realtors Clarksville TN
Homes for sale near Carmel Elementary